13 Nov

Advice on Buying Historic Homes.


Posted by: Deb White

For those of us with a flair for aesthetics or a penchant for history, historic homes offer a unique chance to own something special.

What is a Historic Home?

Typically, for a home to be considered “historic”, it needs to demonstrate rare or outstanding architecture. Typically, historic homes are at least 50 years of age, but it can be younger depending on what it represents in relation to Canadian design.

In addition, the home must be a landmark or hold historical value connected to a notable event, person, or institution in Canadian history.

Considerations for Historic Homes

When it comes to buying a historic home, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind.

The first is that there are generally special bylaws, permits, and rules for historic homes. Features such as “character-defining” elements of the home, for example, cannot be changed, destroyed, or removed. Depending on the history of the home, there may be other features that require preservation per the story of the home and its significance to history. In some cases, trees or the lawn may also be assigned for conservation.

Due to the preservation goal of historic homes, there are limited things that you can do if you purchase one in terms of renovations. There will be special considerations for any expansions or modifications that will often need to be approved to ensure it does not impact the historical aspects of the home.

Another thing to consider when looking at historic homes is merely the age of the building. This can result in more costly maintenance, especially if the home has outdated elements or structures.

A proper home inspection can help to reveal any areas that may be cause for issues in the future or advise potential updates and renovations that are doable. Overall, you want to evaluate the home to ensure it has solid bones and structural integrity.

Benefits of Historic Homes

For individuals who are highly interested in history and culture, these homes can be an incredible opportunity to own a unique piece of history. Whether from an emotional or intellectual standpoint, this can be a very fulfilling purchase resulting in a one-of-a-kind home with a special link to Canada’s past.

In addition to owning a piece of history, there are more benefits such as joining a community that is committed to preservation with like-minded individuals.

Before diving into homeownership, especially that of a historic home, it is important to ask yourself if you are ready for the responsibility of owning a culturally significant property. Ownership of these properties is a privilege and must always be treated as such.

by DLC Marketing Team


6 Nov

Spooktacular Home Tips.


Posted by: Deb White

It is hard to believe that we are past Halloween already! Even though Fall has already started, there are a few things you can do still to ensure your home is well-prepared for the season:

  • Examine Your Gutters: This time of year it is important to clean and inspect your gutters (replacing as needed) to ensure they are working properly as the rain and snow season hits. If they are clogged or damaged, it could result in flooding or exterior damage – so don’t wait!
  • Check for Drafts: In the Fall and Winter, many homeowners are spending extra money heating their homes due to drafts, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Do a check on all exterior doors and windows to confirm if they are properly sealed. To do this, simply close a door or window on a strip of paper. If the paper slides easily, you need to update your weatherstripping.
  • Inspect Your Furnace: In Canada, we are no strangers to chilly evenings! To ensure you are comfortable throughout the colder months, be sure to have your furnace inspected by an HVAC professional. They can check leaks, test efficiency, and change the filter. They can also conduct a carbon monoxide check to ensure air safety.
  • Manage Your Thermostat: As tempting as it is to turn your heat all the way up in the winter, proper thermostat management will help you save costs in the long run. Using a thermostat with a timer can save you even more. Turn them on earlier so the room heats up in time for use and have it turned off 30 minutes before bed or before leaving the home. If you find you are still chilly at night, a safely positioned space heater and closed door is an inexpensive solution.
  • Fix Any Concrete/Asphalt Cracks: This one is easy to ignore thinking it will be fine, but it could easily turn into a bigger issue. When water gets into existing cracks during the colder months it will freeze and expand, causing the crack to become even larger.
  • Turn Off Outdoor Plumbing: Since your garden will not need attention until the Spring, it is a good idea to shut off and drain all outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems. Depending on where you live, you might also want to cover them to prevent freezing during the Winter months.
  • Change Your Batteries: For safety, it is recommended that you check that all smoke detectors and carbon monoxide devices are working at least a couple of times throughout the year. While doing other Fall home prep, add this one to your list!
  • Create a Storm Kit: A storm kit is a handy source of essential items in the event of losing power. Consider what you and your family might need, such as a flashlight with new batteries, candles, matches, a portable radio, water, and snacks. Keep your kit somewhere easy to access.

Whatever your plans this season, a quick check of your home will ensure there are no surprises!

30 Oct

Going away? Vacation checklist for your home.


Posted by: Deb White

Whether you’re jetting off to sunshine and warm sand, an international adventure, or a weekend getaway, before you go there are a few things you can do to protect your home while you’re away!

  1. Unplug all electronics and appliances: To reduce energy costs while you are traveling (and mitigate any risk of unexpected fires), it is a good idea to unplug all electronics and appliances. This includes your microwave, toaster, televisions, entertainment and gaming systems, computers, etc.
  2. Clear out your fridge and take out any trash: The last thing anyone wants is to come back home and realize they forgot to clean up before they left! To avoid any odours or unwelcome surprises when you get home, be sure to clear out your fridge and take out any and all trash before heading off on your holidays!
  3. Adjust your thermostat: While potentially not as necessary for a weekend getaway, this is extra important for longer trips. Depending on when you’re traveling, whether it is summer versus winter, you may want to adjust your thermostat to maintain humidity balance and avoid your home being stuffy when you return. On the other hand, some individuals will opt to leave their thermostats at a comfortable temperature when traveling during colder seasons to ensure a nice warm welcome upon return!
  4. Close and lock all windows and additional entrances: Ensure that all your windows and entrances are locked and sealed tight. You can choose to close blinds or leave them open, depending on your comfort levels and the items in your home. Be mindful that the more you leave open, the more potential thieves will be able to see inside.
  5. Water plants: Again, depending on the length of your trip, you may be fine to simply give your plants one last big drink before traveling, or you may consider having someone check on your home while you’re away and look after your plants.
  6. Set up a pet sitter and/or someone to check on your home: Similar to point five, depending on your situation and whether or not you have pets, you may choose to have someone stay in your home or pop by every day to check on them and provide food and water. In some cases, you may opt to board your pet instead, but having someone stop by your home every other day while you’re away is a good rule of thumb to avoid potential issues.
  7. Leave a vehicle in your driveway: This is a simple step that can help with deterring potential thieves by implying that there is someone at home.
  8. Set your home alarm: If you have an alarm installed, be sure to set it to an appropriate level for while you’re away. If you leave your alarm activated, be sure to provide the code to whomever will be checking your home, as well as potentially a neighbour you trust should anything happen in the home. If you don’t have a home alarm, you may consider setting your lights on a timer or utilizing a motion sensor bulb to create the illusion of movement in your home.
  9. Check your smoke detector: Ensure your smoke detector is working properly before you leave. Turning off your electronics per step 1 and adjusting your thermostat per step 3 will assist with reducing any potential risk of fire damage, but having a working smoke alarm is imperative to alert neighbours for quick action while you are out of your home.
  10. Leave your emergency contact information with a neighbour: Lastly, we have mentioned neighbours a few times as, depending on your relationship with them, they are important contacts for when you are traveling. If you have someone else stopping by to check your home, it can be a good idea to simply leave that individual’s contact information with a neighbour so that your trusted friend can check out any situations that might arise.


At the end of the day, a few quick checks to your home can save you a headache while you’re trying to enjoy your holidays, and also reduce any issues upon return!


DLC marketing team

23 Oct

Your RRSP Contribution Deadline.


Posted by: Deb White

When it comes to your money, RRSPs are one of the best ways to save. Known as a “Registered Retirement Savings Plan”, RRSPs have tons of benefits including: reducing your taxable income, earning compound interest, savings protection and more.

One major component of RRSPs are your contributions! You have a maximum contribution amount that is equal to 18% of your total income for the previous year, not exceeding the annual limit (set per year by the Canadian government).

Before your RRSP deadline, there are a few things to consider to help you get a jump start in planning for the future and increasing your peace of mind:

  • Should you invest in a RRSP or focus on paying down your mortgage?
  • Is a debt consolidation mortgage right for you?
  • Should you consider the Home Buyers’ Plan to help fund your down payment on your first home?

If you already contributed this year, or missed the deadline, that’s okay! These are great questions to consider before next years contribution.

If you’re wondering if you still have the ability to contribute to your RRSP this calendar year, you can check your contribution levels on your Notice of Assessment from last year’s tax return or on the CRA My Account website.

To help understand your financial direction and what benefits paying down your mortgage might have versus adding to your RRSPs, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert today! We’d be happy to review your situation and take a look at your mortgage to help determine the best course of action.

written by DLC Marketing Team

18 Oct

So, you need a tenant.


Posted by: Deb White

If you have a basement suite or rental property and you are currently looking for a tenant, there are some things to know! Whether this is your first tenant or you have other rental properties, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the specifics to ensure a harmonious tenancy.

As always, your responsibility as the landlord is to keep your rental properties in good condition and ensure they meet health, safety, and housing standards. However, as a landlord, you also have additional responsibilities around the rental agreement and tenant regulations.

Tenancy Agreement

Landlords are required to prepare a written agreement for every tenancy. Bear in mind, if this agreement is not prepared the standard terms for your province will still apply, especially if a security deposit is paid. This agreement should clearly outline the following:

  • Who the agreement is between
  • The length of the tenancy
  • Rent amount and due date
  • Required deposits (if any)
  • Pet restrictions (if any)
  • Additional terms (smoking or non-smoking, etc)

The tenancy agreement should also outline if there is the ability to add a roommate, and whether or not utilities, parking, storage, laundry, etc. are included.


Typically, a security or damage deposit is requested by the landlord to establish tenancy and cover any unexpected issues that may arise. The deposit can be no more than half of the first month’s rent.

If you are charging a pet deposit fee, note that guide or service pets are exempt from any damage deposits. In addition, you cannot charge fees beyond the pet damage deposit.

Move In

To ensure the move-in goes smoothly, tenants and landlords should schedule a move-in time that works for everyone. At the beginning of the tenancy, you may also consider an inspection before the new tenant has moved in to ensure everyone is on the same page and the condition of the unit is clear in regard to any potential damages or fixes needed.

As a landlord, you are also responsible for changing the locks (at your cost) should the new tenant request it.

Additional Considerations

As a landlord, you will want to assess the suitability of any new tenant before signing the agreement. There are a few things you can do to ensure a smooth process and the right choice of tenant:

  • Ask for proof of identity
  • Thoroughly check all references
  • Contact previous landlords to ask about rental and payment history
  • Conduct a credit check to confirm income and financial suitability
  • Get the names of all persons to be living in the rental unit

Once you have reviewed the above, you will be in a good position to determine if the potential tenant is a good fit for the rental space.

However, keep in mind that you cannot refuse to rent to a tenant based on any discriminatory aspects such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. In addition, you cannot refuse to rent to individuals on income assistance.

While it can seem like a lot, with the proper preparation and understanding of tenant laws and regulations in your area, you can ensure a smooth and successful rental process!

10 Oct

6 Things for Co-Signers to Consider.


Posted by: Deb White

Are you thinking about co-signing on a loan? If you’re looking to help out a family member or loved one, this is a great way to do that as a co-signer can help overcome stress testing and borrowing limits.

However, it is important to be aware of the implications when co-signing on any loan.

  1. Credit History: If you are acting as a co-signor or guarantor on any loan, you essentially allow them access to your credit history. This means, if the borrower is late on the payments or there are issues with the loan, it will affect your credit score as well as theirs.
  2. Legal Implications: Always be sure to understand the taxes, legal and estate situations that go along with co-signing, should the borrower fail to pay. A lawyer can help you review the loan agreement and advise of any items you may need to take note of.
  3. Timeline: Understanding how many years the co-signer agreement will be in place and what your options are for making changes will help you determine the scope of the loan and if you are able to make changes at any point should the borrower become able to assume the entirety of the mortgage on their own in the future.
  4. Personal Income Tax: Depending on the loan, you may have an obligation to pay capital gains taxes so it is a good idea to review your personal tax situation with an accountant prior to signing off on the co-borrower agreement to ensure no surprises.
  5. Relationship with Borrower: This is a vital consideration for going in on any loan. Do you trust the individual? Are you aware of their financial situation? Are you willing to potentially put yourself at risk to assist them? These are all important questions as many of us may want to help out family or loved ones, but it is important to ensure that the individual is reliable.
  6. Future Finances: Lastly, consider your future finances and if you had any plans in the future that could be impacted by an additional loan. How much flexibility do you need for yourself and your family? If you have plans to refinance for a renovation or make changes to your own mortgage, being a co-signor could affect your options.

Co-signing for a loan always requires careful consideration as it is a large responsibility. However, when done correctly and with people you trust, it can be a great way to assist family members or loved ones with their goal of homeownership. If you are considering co-signing on a loan and have any questions or would like more clarity, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a DLC Mortgage Expert today!

by DLC Marketing Team

3 Oct

Fall Market Update.


Posted by: Deb White

As you may have heard, The Bank of Canada opted to maintain its policy rate at 5% as of September. The recent rate hikes over the spring and summer have slowed the housing and mortgage markets as potential buyers were unsurprisingly spooked by the rise in mortgage rates. More recently, fixed-rate loans have become more expensive because of the rise in longer-term interest rates. As a result, housing affordability became a bigger hurdle and led to a slight decrease in home prices by 6% in major markets over the summer.

With The Bank of Canada currently maintaining the 5% policy rate, many hope this will be the peak in overnight rate changes. If so, homeowners and potential buyers will be granted some breathing room. We will find out more with their upcoming announcement on October 25th.

As we turn the corner into Fall and start looking ahead to the coming year, analysts are forecasting stronger housing markets. The expectation is that The Bank of Canada will gradually cut interest rates by mid-year, allowing potential buyers to better navigate their affordability.

As the supply shortage continues, new listings are likely to rise and provide much-need inventory. As we move into 2024 and start to see interest rates decrease, motivated sellers will move off the sidelines and housing demand is expected to be resilient.

For anyone who is thinking about purchasing this season, it is important to get pre-approved to guarantee your interest rate for 90-120 days while you shop the market. This way, you will avoid being impacted by potential rate changes and can properly estimate your budget for mortgage costs. Plus, pre-approval will indicate to the seller that you will not have issues obtaining financing (assuming nothing changes between now and the purchase with your job, savings, etc.), which is key during the current economic landscape.

To help you make the best decision possible, download the My Mortgage Toolbox app to determine what you can afford, and what your mortgage would look like at various interest rate levels.

You can also reach out to a DLC Mortgage Expert today for unbiased advice if you have any concerns, questions or just want to get started on your pre-approval!

25 Sep

Avoiding a Fall Financial Storm!.


Posted by: Deb White

A July 7 report from Statistics Canada on the financial state of Canadians says that, “Middle-income earners were affected most by inflationary pressures over the last year, as they spent an average of $1,306 more than they earned in income in the first quarter of 2023, while they had positive net saving of $521 in the first quarter of 2022.”

2022 was financially difficult for many of us… but the data indicates that a financial disaster may be on the way!

If you need some food for thought about how to handle a potential coming financial storm….. here are three things keep in mind.

Reconsider your big three:

The “big 3” expenses for Canadians are housing, transportation, and food. Adjusting your lifestyle can save you huge money in these areas. For example, having a roommate isn’t for everyone and you may have grown to like your independence, but it could instantly cut your expenses in half. If you are a homeowner, the demand for rental housing is surging and you may be able to rent a room to a student or even do some short-term Airbnb rentals to help with the mortgage.

Cars are another money pit for Canadians with the average price of a new ride now at $66,000 and financing rates hovering around 7%. The average car payment has gone from $577 in June of 2019 to $797 in June of 2023. Add that to the average Canadian gas prices of $1.68/litre and much higher prices for everything car-related from snow tires to an oil change. It’s easy to see how driving is taking a much bigger bite out of your paycheque these days. Going without a car might not be an option, but the inconvenience caused by going from a two-car family to a one-car family or to a cheaper/smaller/more fuel-efficient car might be looking a lot more tolerable given the savings.

Groceries are expected to run about $16,000 annually in 2023 for a family of four, so food is definitely an area that deserves attention. The news is full of tips and tricks for cutting back, so just start using a few that work for you. It could be searching the flyers and loading up on specials, clipping coupons, buying no-name, sticking to the shopping list, or a combination of these. There is almost always a cheaper food option and you have to balance your menu with your budget… do you buy Starbucks beans or a jumbo can of Folgers ground?

Stay calm and learn to dismiss the hype:

Constantly being worried about “what could happen” only leads to unnecessary anxiety. We are constantly bombarded by cable TV news, you-tubers, internet experts, naysayers, pundits, social media influencers & fin-fluencers… and it can really pile on the stress. It can also lead to a lot of illogical decisions. Nobody can predict the future and we sometimes forget that fact when we are bombarded by hyped-up news reports day after day. Financial market “experts” are a great example. There is always a steady stream of them predicting a huge stock crash and occasionally, they do get it right. However, the truth is that most of these predictions are flat-out wrong, and you would be much better off to ignore them and simply ride out any market downturns.

Focus on what you can control:

No matter how much you read or talk about inflation, recession, financial markets, or interest rates, all of these issues are way out of your control. There is no point trying to second-guess what the Bank of Canada may do to interest rates, or which way stock markets will move. If you are going to stress over your finances, focus on the things you can control — like reducing your spending, increasing your income, or learning to better manage and invest your money.

Financial storms come and go and this won’t be the last. Keep you core expenses in check and your mindset calm and you will get through it!

18 Sep

Countertop Materials for Your Kitchen.


Posted by: Deb White

They say the kitchen is the heart of every home, and what better way to treat this important space than by ensuring you have all the right materials?

When it comes to your kitchen, there are a variety of options for cupboards, appliances, and countertops. What you may not realize, is how much you actually utilize your countertop space and the importance of choosing the right material for your cooking habits and style.

If you are considering a reno, or looking to purchase a new home, understanding the pros and cons of different countertops can ensure you make the best choices.

  • Granite: A popular and durable option, granite comes in various colors and patterns. Along with being strong, it is resistant to heat and abrasion. However, it is a premium-price material and requires regular sealing every three to five years due to its porous nature.
  • Marble: One of the more high-end options, similar to granite, marble provides a much-needed level of uniqueness in its patterns as well as holding up well to heat, cracking, and chipping. On the other hand, marble is more sensitive to scratches and staining and should be resealed at least once per year to improve longevity.
  • Quartz: One of the most durable and maintenance-free countertop options, quartz comes in various options from vibrant to natural finish and is nearly indestructible under standard home conditions. Not only is quartz scratch-resistant, but it can also resist stains, bacteria, and heat damage.
  • Laminate: If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, laminate can be a great way to go. Not only can laminate be made to resemble stone, granite, or even quartz at a fraction of the cost, but it is also easy to clean and maintain while being resistant to mold, mildew, and stains. However, bear in mind that laminate is quite sensitive to heat and can be prone to peeling or scratches.
  • Butcher Block (or wood): Butcher-block wooden countertops have a great natural look while being a hardworking surface great for food prep and highly resistant to heat. However, as wood is quite porous it is important to properly seal and oil your countertops to reduce bacteria and moisture susceptibility.
  • Stainless Steel: Opposite the natural look of butcher-block designs, stainless steel provides a much more industrial kitchen vibe. Stainless steel has become extremely appealing over the years due to the ease of wiping it down and its ability to inhibit bacteria buildup. However, not without its limits, stainless steel has a tendency to result in lots of water spots and fingerprints on its smooth surface. It is also more pricey than other options, but being impervious to heat damage has its charms.
  • Soapstone: A wonderfully stain-resistant option, soapstone is entirely non-porous in addition to being heat and bacteria-resistant. However, to maintain this natural stone it needs to be treated regularly with oil and care must be taken to avoid surface damage such as scratches and dents.
  • Ceramic Tile: Tile is an inexpensive option for your kitchen (and bathroom) counters, which is easy to install by an experienced do-it-yourselfer. Not only is tile inexpensive, but it comes in a variety of options and colors as well as being hard, durable, and resistant to heat. Keep in mind, the sizing of your tiles as smaller tiles will be more difficult to clean as opposed to larger settings. Tile is also more vulnerable to cracking, though relatively easy to replace a broken piece. It is also important to note that grout can be prone to staining.

Regardless of what type of kitchen you are designing or moving into, knowing how to care for your countertops can help increase your kitchen longevity and enjoyment!

written by DLC marketing team

11 Sep

The True Cost of Downsizing.


Posted by: Deb White

Many Canadians consider downsizing during their retirement years. Once their children have left the nest, the choice seems obvious: relocate to a smaller residence or a more affordable town and capitalize on the price difference. For many retirees, the funds from the sale of their home can significantly impact their overall lifestyle and financial well-being.

However, there are downsides of downsizing you should be aware of before you call your realtor.

Downsizing in Canada: A Cost Analysis

The cost of moving is probably one of the biggest downsides to downsizing. To give you an idea of the figures involved, we conducted a cost analysis for a typical downsizing scenario using an example of selling a home in Toronto for $1,000,000 and buying a condo for $700,000.

Theoretically, this would free up $300,000 in equity while moving you into a smaller home. According to Ratehub, you need a nest egg of $450,000 if you want to retire comfortably in Canada. The money from the sale of your home could have a meaningful impact on your retirement finances. But how much of that chunk will you get to keep to boost your nest egg? Below is an estimated list of cost considerations when choosing to downsize:

Fees Downsizing CHIP Reverse Mortgage
Real estate fees (average 5% selling price) $50,000 N/A
Legal Fees $1,200-$2,400 $300-$600
Land Transfer Tax (Varies depending on province and city) $8,975 N/A
Moving expenses (packing supplies, moving service, garbage removal, etc.) $3,000-$6,500 N/A
Furnishing and upgrades $8,000-$25,000 N/A
Home appraisal $500 $300-$600
Closing fee $500-,$1500 $1,795-$2,995
Total $72,175-$94,875 $2,395-$4,195

As you can see, downsizing could cost you between $72,175 – $94,875.

If you live in a big city like Toronto, $300,000 of equity could shrink to just $205,125* after considering these downsizing costs. However, these costs are not the only negative effects of downsizing to consider.

The Downsizing Dilemma 

Many Canadians underestimate the financial and emotional costs of downsizing, overlooking various aspects:

  • Home Improvements: Before selling, homes often need upgrades, from simple fixes to major renovations like kitchens or roofs. Also, many invest in staging their homes.
  • Belonging Decisions: Downsizing means deciding which possessions to keep due to space constraints, often leading to emotional challenges and storage expenses.
  • Leaving Family Homes: Leaving a home that carries so many joyful memories, especially if someone is widowed, can be challenging. Relocating might disconnect you from communities and loved ones.

An Alternative to Downsizing in Canada: The CHIP Reverse Mortgage 

The CHIP Reverse Mortgage by HomeEquity Bank can be the ideal alternative to downsizing. Unlock up to 55% of your home’s equity in tax-free cash while staying in your beloved home without leaving the neighbourhood you love. This money improves your retirement finances and can be used to renovate and retrofit the home for accessibility and livability as you age. With no required monthly mortgage payments to make, the CHIP Reverse Mortgage is becoming a popular solution.

Contact your Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert to learn how the CHIP Reverse Mortgage can help you save on the stress and expense of downsizing and live the retirement of your dreams.

*Based on $300,000 of equity minus $94,875 (the highest downsizing cost).


written by DLC marketing team